Smok Nord 0.8ohm Mesh MTL - Pack of 5 Pack of 5 genuine replacement SMOK Nord mesh coils 0.8Ohm. Compatible with the SMOK Nord pod kit and the RPM40 pod mod. Coils in the SMOK Nord series: 0.6Ohm - Mesh (DL direct lung sub-Ohm coil) 25W 0.6Ohm - Regular DC …
SKU: C89
Availability: 50 in stock
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Pack of 5 genuine replacement SMOK Nord mesh coils 0.8Ohm. Compatible with the SMOK Nord pod kit and the RPM40 pod mod.
Coils in the SMOK Nord series:
0.6Ohm - Mesh (DL direct lung sub-Ohm coil) 25W
0.6Ohm - Regular DC dual coil (sub-Ohm coil) 20W
0.8Ohm - DC dual coil (MTL mouth-to-lung sub-Ohm coil) 16W
0.8Ohm - Mesh (MTL mouth-to-lung sub-Ohm coil) 16W
1.4Ohm - Regular (MTL mouth-to-lung coil) 12W
1.4Ohm - Ceramic (MTL mouth-to-lung coil)
Safety NoticeThis is a dedicated coil for an all-in-one kit, but just in case there are other separate tank options in the future, or you use the coil in another tank, be aware that sub-Ohm tanks and coils must be used by experienced and knowledgeable users as additional safety precautions must be practiced when using these items. These products need to work on a mod/battery capable of firing at sub-Ohm resistances. So, for example, if you have a 0.5 Ohm coil in your tank, your mod/battery must be capable of firing at 0.5 Ohm resistance, or lower. You also need to ensure your device can cope with the amps. Improper use can lead to physical injury and damaged equipment.